


Merrill Tanner

Tanner, Merrill. (2020) Book Chapter “Parkinson’s Disease and Singing” in the Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing: Volume 3 Wellbeing - published April 2020.
The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume 3

Tanner, Merrill and Lui, Lili. (2019) “Measures of vocal effort in PD: self­ perception and feedback on performance”. Poster presentation at World Parkinson Congress, Kyoto, June 4, 5 & 6, 2019.

Tanner, Merrill. (2019) “How to maintain a good voice for people with PD: A fun vocal exercise”. Poster presentation at World Parkinson Congress, Kyoto, June 4, 5 & 6, 2019, poster tour 18 June 6.

Tanner, Merrill. (2016) “ Perceptual Disconnect in PD affects Quality of Life”. Poster presentation at World Parkinson Congress, Portland Oregon, Sept. 20-2

Tanner, Merrill  (2016) "Keeping Your Voice Healthy" Anacusis, The Journal of Choral Canada, Summer, Vol. 34, 51-53
Read the PDF here

Tanner, M., Kalluri, M. and Richman-Eisenstat, J. (2016). Benefits of a voice therapy and song singing group for people with ILD. Presented at ICMPC14 meeting, San Francisco, CA. http://www.icmpc.org/icmpc14/files/ICMPC14_Proceedings.pdf, p. 629-632 printed or 676-679 in PDF file

Triscott,J., Tanner, M., Camicioli, R., Dobbs, B., Tian, P. Primary Progressive Aphasia: A Report on Two Cases Poster presentation at the Family Medicine Forum, Canadian Geriatric Society on April 15, 2016

Tanner, M., Rammage, L. & Liu, L. (2016). Does singing and vocal strengthening improve vocal ability in people with Parkinson’s disease? Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice.8(3)199-122. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17533015.2015.1088047

Tanner, Merrill. (2014) “Parkinsong: Vocalization Therapy for People with Parkinson’s Disease”. Poster presentation at Speech Language Audiology Canada Annual Conference (SAC), May 7 - 9.

Tanner, Merrill. (2013) Voices Improve Following Group Treatment with Choral Singing for People with Parkinson Disease. Poster presentation at World Parkinson Congress, Montreal Oct. 1 - 4.

Tanner, Merrill; Liu, Lili and Rammage, Linda. (2012) Voices Improve Following Group Treatment with Choral Singing for People with PD. Poster presentation at Canadian Association on Gerontology Annual Conference, Vancouver, October 19.

Tanner, Merrill. (2012) Voice Improvement in Parkinson’s Disease: Vocal Pedagogy and Voice Therapy Combined. University of Alberta Education and Research Archive-http://hdl.handle.net/10402/era.25321

Tanner, Merrill; Liu, Lili; Campbell, Melanie; Warren, Sharon; Ratzlaff, Leonard and Rammage, Linda. (2011) Voice and Singing Therapy Improves Self Assessment of Intelligibility in People with Parkinson’s Disease. Poster at the Advancement for Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS) Annual Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland, July, 2011.

Tanner, Merrill; Liu, Lili; Campbell, Melanie; Warren, Sharon; Ratzlaff, Leonard and Rammage, Linda. (2011) Singing and Voice Therapy Combined: An Effective Group Vocalization Program for People with Parkinson’s Disease. Poster at Society for Arts in Healthcare, Burlingame, California, Apr.14 - 15.

Tanner, Merrill; Liu, Lili; Campbell, Melanie; Warren, Sharon; Ratzlaff, Leonard and Rammage, Linda. (2011) Voice Improvement Following a Singing and Vocalization Program for People with Parkinson’s Disease. Poster at the AD/PD International Congress, Barcelona, March 10 - 11.

Tanner, Merrill; Liu, Lili; Campbell, Melanie; Warren, Sharon; Ratzlaff, Leonard and Rammage, Linda. (2010) Does Voice and Singing Therapy Improve Quality of Life for People with Parkinson’s Disease? Poster at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Annual Conference, December 4, 2010, Montreal.

Tanner, Merrill. (2008) Choirs for People with Parkinson’s Disease? Quires, The Alberta Choral Federation Newsletter. 33(1)10-13.

Tanner, Merrill. (2008) Singing Therapy. In Tune, Words in Music, University of Alberta Department of Music Newsletter. 18(3)8.

Tanner-Semple, Merrill. (2007) Singing as a Rehabilitation Tool. Rehab and Community Care Medicine, Fall, 16(3)42. http://publications.rehabmagazine.ca/publication/?i=5440 (page 42)

Tanner-Semple, Merrill. (2005) Singing Therapy for People with Parkinson’s Disease: A Pilot CASLPA Annual Conference, Regina, May, 2005.

Semple, Merrill (1999) Treating Voice Problems Among Teachers. Health Services Utilization and Research Commission Newsletter, Spring,1999.